Yvonne Fuller


United Kingdom

Yvonne provides energy companies with robust upstream and midstream economic analysis in complex strategy and litigation cases.

Yvonne Fuller

Past Experience

PA Consulting
PHB Hagler Bailly
Putnam, Hayes & Bartlett

Yvonne Fuller

Yvonne is a Principal at Arthur D. Little, based in our London office, and a member of our global energy practice, focusing on energy economics.

Since joining Arthur D. Little in 2002, Yvonne has worked on oil and gas market modeling throughout the value chain, including upstream, LNG, gas pipelines, trading and retail. 

Over the past decade, the majority of her work has been in dispute resolution, focused on supporting upstream and midstream arbitrations and litigations in Europe, North Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Yvonne started her career as an energy analyst in 1998.

Where to go from here: The race for decarbonization
Where to go from here: The race for decarbonization

Yvonne Fuller

Yvonne is a Principal at Arthur D. Little, based in our London office, and a member of our global energy practice, focusing on energy economics.

Since joining Arthur D. Little in 2002, Yvonne has worked on oil and gas market modeling throughout the value chain, including upstream, LNG, gas pipelines, trading and retail. 

Over the past decade, the majority of her work has been in dispute resolution, focused on supporting upstream and midstream arbitrations and litigations in Europe, North Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Yvonne started her career as an energy analyst in 1998.

Where to go from here: The race for decarbonization
Where to go from here: The race for decarbonization

More About Yvonne
  • PA Consulting
  • PHB Hagler Bailly
  • Putnam, Hayes & Bartlett