

François-Joseph Van Audenhove
Brussels, Belgium
Managing Partner

François-Joseph Van Audenhove is a Partner based in Arthur D. Little's Brussels office and is the Global Practice Manager Travel and Transportation (T&T). François-Joseph is part of the Strategy…

Thomas Kuruvilla
Dubai, India, United Arab Emirates
Managing Partner

Thomas is Managing Partner of Arthur D. Little Middle East & India as well as a member of the Board of Directors. He serves telecom operators, ministries and other public organizations, and…

Vincent Bamberger
Paris, Belgium, France
Managing Partner

Vincent is Managing Partner at Arthur D. Little, leading its Western Europe Cluster (France, Belgium, Netherlands). Vincent has specific areas of expertise in strategy, innovation, organization, and…

Saverio Caldani
Rome, Italy
Managing Partner

Saverio is a Managing Partner at Arthur D. Little, heading our offices in Italy and Spain. He is based in the Rome office. Since joining Arthur D. Little in 2006, Saverio has gained good knowledge in…

Bernd Schreiber
Frankfurt, Germany
Managing Partner

Bernd is Partner based in our Frankfurt office and leads Arthur D. Little’s global Operations Management practice. He also leads our global Industry 4.0 activities and is member of our Digital…

Michael Zintel
Frankfurt, Germany
Managing Partner

Michael is Managing Partner, leading Arthur D. Little and Switzerland. Based in our Frankfurt office, he is a member of our Travel & Transportation Practice. Since joining Arthur D. Little in…

Ryan Alnesayan
Riyadh, Middle East, Saudi Arabia

Ryan is a Partner with Arthur D. Little Middle-East and a member of the Global Strategy & Organization Practice. He leads Arthur D. Little’s Riyadh office and our Public Sector Practice in Saudi…

Alexander Buirski
Middle East

Alexander is a member of the Middle East Partner Group and core team member of the Public Sector Practice, with specializations in Public Sector Transformation; Defence, Security & Resilience…

Paolo Carlomagno
Dubai, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates

Paolo is a Partner in the Dubai office and a senior member of the Travel & Transportation practice. He has 20+ years of cross-sector expertise in Europe and in the Middle East with leading…

古田 直也
東京, 日本

東京オフィスのパートナーであり、東京のオペレーション・ストラテジー&トランスフォーメーションプラクティスのリーダー。 社会変革のイシューに着目し、商社・物流・建設インフラ・建材業界、3Dプリンター、地域優良企業、等の幅広い領域における全社・事業戦略立案、経営管理、コーポレート改革、PMIといったコンサルティングに取り組む。株式会社3Dプリンター総研とのアライアンス責任者、…

Nicholas Nahas
Dubai, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates

Nicholas is a Partner in the Travel & Transportation practice based in Dubai. Nicholas brings deep experience leading transportation infrastructure and economic development strategies and…

祖父江 謙介
東京, 日本

東京オフィスのパートナーであり、グローバルのS&Oプラクティスのコアメンバー。 東南アジアの共同代表も務める。 日本および東南アジアにおいて、15年以上にわたる戦略コンサルティン経験を持ち、自動車、素材、消費財、小売、物流、不動産、ICT、エネルギー、金融サービスといった多岐わたる業界のクライアントにサービスを提供してきた 全社戦略、新規事業開発、M&A/PMI、…

Raimundo Cisneros
Madrid, Spain

Raimundo is a Partner based in our Madrid office. He is a member of the “Technology & Innovation Management” practice and focuses on the following sectors: Travel & Transportation,…

Ralf Baron
Frankfurt, Germany

Ralf is a Partner at Arthur D. Little based in Frankfurt. Ralf has more than 25 years of experience in management consulting and has worked in the mobility sector for more than 20 years. He advises…

Marcus Beard
London, United Kingdom

Marcus is a Partner at Arthur D. Little, based in our Cambridge office in the United Kingdom. Marcus has 21 years of experience in safety and risk consulting, serving clients in the rail and metro…

Mathieu Blondel
Paris, France

Mathieu is a Partner at Arthur D. Little France, a member of the Travel & Transportation Practice, and the Global Head of Arthur D. Little Aviation Competence Center.  Mathieu has more than 15…

Phil Bulman
London, United Kingdom

Phil is a Partner in the UK office, and part of the global Operations and Supply chain Transformation practice. Phil trained as a Design & Manufacturing Engineer and spent 10 years working in the…

Dr. Fabian Doemer
Frankfurt, Zurich, Germany

Fabian is a Partner based in our Frankfurt office, and is leading of our Innovation Practice in Central Europe. Fabian led Arthur D. Little in the region for over 14 years since 2010. For over 20…

Julien Duvaud-Schelnast
Paris, France

Julien is a Partner based in the Paris office, with over 10 years of experience in management consultancy. He is a member of the Telecom, Internet, Media & Electronics and Strategy &…

濵田 悠
東京, 日本

自動車・製造業、モビリティ、社会システム・インフラ、不動産等の分野における成長戦略策定、新規事業立案・実行支援のプロジェクト経験を豊富に有し、近年は業界融合領域における新たな事業モデルの創出に注力している。 経済産業省への所属経験も有し、近年はパブリックセクター向けの産業政策立案支援ならびに官民連携に関する取り組みも手掛けている。

Dereck Ji
Shanghai, Greater China

Dereck is a Partner based in our Shanghai office. He is the Managing Partner of our China operations and a member of our Global Public Services Practice. He primarily focuses on public services and…

Nicholas Johnson
London, United Kingdom

Nick is a Partner at Arthur D. Little in the London office. Nick focuses on how emerging digital technologies can be harnessed to drive transformation of both the business and its internal technology…

Michael Majster
Brussels, Belgium

Michael is a Partner based in Brussels, with 20 years of experience advising CIOs and CDOs on making strategic changes and achieving tangible business results. Michael has been serving clients on…

Francesco Marsella
Rome, Italy

Francesco is a Partner at Arthur D. Little, based in our Rome office, and leads Arthur D. Little’s Global Strategy & Organization practice. He’s also the leader of the marketing & sales…

Jim Miller
Boston, United States

Jim is a Partner at Arthur D. Little based in the USA and leads our Travel & Transportation practice in the USA. Jim is a leading expert in the economic and financial analysis of transportation…

三ツ谷 翔太
東京, 日本

東京オフィスのパートナー。製造業企業や社会インフラ企業に対して、イノベーション戦略の策定や実行を支援。加えて、政府・大学・地域に対する政策立案など、幅広いステークホルダに対するコンサルティングに従事。 特に近年は、新たな産業・社会システムの創出に向けて、次のようなプロジェクトに取り組んでいる: 次世代の社会システムのコンセプト構想 ・エネルギー/モビリティ/都市システムの変革 ・…

Philipp Mudersbach
Frankfurt, Germany

Philipp is a member of our Technology & Innovation Management (TIM) practice and is based in the Frankfurt office. He worked across a number of industries and functional areas supporting leading…

Volker Pfirsching
Munich, Germany

Volker A. Pfirsching is a Partner at Arthur D. Little based in Munich. He is a member of the Central European Management Board and heads the global Digital Competence Center. As a thought leader in…

Marius Romanescu
Frankfurt, Germany

Marius is based in the Frankfurt office in Germany. He is a core member of the Operations Management practice. With more than 13 years of strategic consulting experience at ADL, Marius works across…

Joseph Salem
Beirut, Lebanon, Middle East

Joseph Salem, Partner, Travel & Transportation Practice. Based in Dubai, Joseph is currently the Global Head of Growth in the company’s Travel & Transportation practice. His work focuses on…

Greg Smith
London, United Kingdom

Greg is a Partner at Arthur D. Little, based out of our London office, and leader of Digital Problem Solving practice. Greg focuses on how emerging digital technologies and associated ways of working…

Mickael Tauvel
Paris, France

Mickael is a Partner based in the Paris office and a member of the “Strategy & Organization” and “Travel & Transportation” Practices. His main fields of expertise include business planning,…

Tom Teixeira
London, United Kingdom

Tom is a Partner based in our London office with the responsibility of enhancing and building the Risk practice’s service offering . He brings 20+ years risk management experience both in senior…

Lars Thurmann-Moe
Oslo, Norway

Lars is Partner in Arthur D. Little's Oslo office and leads the Strategy & Organization practice. He also serves as the Nordic Head of Energy & Utilities leading a team of specialists…

Dr. Kai-Oliver Zander
Frankfurt, Germany

Kai-Oliver is a Partner based in the Frankfurt office and a member of the global Performance Practice. He advises clients’ on radical but sustainable transformation to highly productive…

Marten Zieris
Frankfurt, Germany

Marten is a Partner at Arthur D. Little’s Frankfurt office and part of the leadership team of the “Strategy & Organization Practice” in Central Europe. In his role, Marten is responsible for the…

Clive Adams
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Associate Director

Clive is an Associate Director at Arthur D. Little, based in our Cambridge office in the United Kingdom. Clive has more than 20 years’ experience in assurance of safety-critical systems and products…

Rick Russell
Boston, United States
Associate Director

Rick is an Associate Director in ADL’s Travel and Transportation (T&T) practice in the US. Rick combines his airline industry knowledge with international airport business and has developed long-…

Daniel Chow
Singapore, Singapore

Daniel is a Principal at Arthur D. Little based in Singapore, advising clients throughout the Asia Pacific region on business growth strategy, mergers & acquisitions, post-merger integration, and…

Zeynep Ibis
Istanbul, Türkiye

Zeynep is a Principal in Arthur D. Little’s Istanbul office. She has nine years of management consulting and industry experience across the telecommunications, media and travel & transportation…

Urs Mosimann
Dubai, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates

Urs is part of the Middle East Travel & Transport practice at Arthur D. Little. He is serving public and private sector clients across for Travel, Transport & Mobility 4.0 transformation,…

Fabian Sempf
Frankfurt, Germany

Fabian Sempf is a Principal at Arthur D. Little in Frankfurt, Germany. He is member of the Technology and Innovation Management Practice, mainly focusing on Digital Transformation. With a background…

David Boulton
Cambridge, United Kingdom

David is a Principal at Arthur D. Little, based in our Cambridge office in the United Kingdom. Building on a strong technical background acquired in a development environment, David has been working…

Francesco Cotrone
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Principal, member of the T&T practice, focusing on logistics, strategy development, organizational transformation, and human capital development. Francesco is a Principal at Arthur D. Little,…

David Dague
Boston, United States

David is a Principal based in Boston and a member of our Travel & Transportation practice. David has worked extensively in the aviation consulting industry for over 30 years, where he advises…

Habib Hussein
London, United Kingdom

Habib joined ADL in 2020 and is a member of the TIM practice based in the London office. With over 20 years’ experience in driving innovation in both R&D and operations roles Habib has the deep…

金澤 吉典
東京, 日本

住宅設備、不動産、エレクトロニクス、素材・化学、エネルギー業、消費財、製薬・ヘルスケア、金融等、幅広い業種において、コーポレート/事業ブランディングやPMI(Post-Merger Integration)を中心とした、全社ブランド戦略策定、企業・組織変革、ブランドを体現する事業構想設計等の支援経験を多数有する。 近年は、企業ビジョン/パーパス開発とそれを起点とした新規事業立案・…

岡田 雅司
東京, 日本

東京オフィスのプリンシパルであり、Automotive & Manufacturingのコアメンバー。 日系完成車メーカー、総合系ファームを経てADL入社。前職時代には経済産業省 製造産業局への出向経験を有する。 完成車メーカーや部品サプライヤ、業界団体、官公庁を中心とした自動車業界、並びにエネルギー業界を始めとした関連業界に対するコンサルティングに一貫して従事。 特に電動化、エネルギー…

Vadim Panarin
Brussels, Belgium

Vadim is a Principal based in Arthur D. Little's Brussels office. He is a member of the Travel & Transportation and Strategy & Organization practices.  Vadim has over 10 years of extensive…

Olivier Pilot
London, United Kingdom

Olivier is a Principal at Arthur D. Little in our London office and a member of our Digital Problem Solving team. Olivier works on defining and delivering innovative digital solutions that address…

Dr. Sabine Reim
Boston, United States

Sabine is a leader in our Travel & Transportation practice advising clients in the US and beyond. Sabine is an experienced aviation professional with special interest in air service / network…

Antonio Semeraro
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Antonio is a Principal based in our Dubai office, and has over 15 years of experience working with clients in travel & transportation, telecommunications, financial services, and the public…

立川 浩幹
東京, 日本

東京オフィスのプリンシパルであり、Automotive & Manufacturingのコアメンバー。当社に勤務する以前は、大手日系自動車OEMシニアマネージャーとし基礎技術研究、新規事業開発を担当。次世代モビリティに関する戦略策定・実行、プロジェクト立案・実行、国内外主要大学との共同研究を多数経験。機械学習などの数理技術や先端技術に関する深い理解が強み。…

Oliver Turnbull
London, United Kingdom

Oliver has a 30-year background in Information Technology, over 20 of which have been in consultancy, latterly focussing on digital solutions and Artificial Intelligence. He enjoys issue-led…

Andrea Visentin
Rome, Italy

Andrea Visentin is a Principal of Arthur D. Little Italy, based in Rome (Italy), and a member of the “Automotive and Manufacturing Goods”, “Energy & Utilities” and “Operations Management”…

Stephen Watson
Cambridge, United Kingdom

Stephen is a Principal at Arthur D. Little, based in our Cambridge office in the United Kingdom. Since joining Arthur D. Little in 1998, Stephen has worked internationally across the transport,…