

Arthur D. Little Benelux NV/SA
56 rue des Colonies / Koloniënstraat 56
8ème étage / 8e verdieping
Bruxelles / Brussel

+32 2 761 72 00
Tel: +32 2 761 72 00
Fax: +32 2 762 07 58

Frédéric Duval
Brussels, Belgium

Frédéric is the global general manager of Arthur D. Little, and a member of its executive committee. He was previously the chief financial officer of the company since it became a partnership in 2012…

Ignacio García Alves
Brussels, Belgium

Ignacio is the Global chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Arthur D. Little since 2011 and is based in Brussels and in Paris. Ignacio joined Arthur D. Little in 1992 as business analyst and…

François-Joseph Van Audenhove
Brussels, Belgium
Managing Partner

François-Joseph Van Audenhove is a Partner based in Arthur D. Little's Brussels office and is the Global Practice Manager Travel and Transportation (T&T). François-Joseph is part of the Strategy…

Gregory Pankert
Brussels, Belgium
Managing Partner

Gregory Pankert is Managing Partner based in Arthur D. Little’s Brussels office and is leading our Global TIME (Telecommunication, Information, Media and Electronics) Practice.  He specializes…

Kurt Baes
Brussels, Belgium
Managing Partner

Kurt is Managing Partner, leading Arthur D. Little in Belgium and Luxembourg and based in Brussels, with over 20 years of strategy consulting experience. He has lived and worked in Europe, Asia and…

Florence Carlot
Brussels, Belgium

Florence is a Partner based in the Brussels office and leading the “Energy & Utility” practice in Belgium. She is also an active member of the “Strategy & Organization” practice. Florence…

Frederik van Oene
Brussels, Belgium

Frederik is a Partner at Arthur D. Little, based in Brussels, and a member of the Technology and Innovation Management Group. Most of his work is focused on helping organizations enact the changes…

Michael Majster
Brussels, Belgium

Michael is a Partner based in Brussels, with 20 years of experience advising CIOs and CDOs on making strategic changes and achieving tangible business results. Michael has been serving clients on…

Alexis Ost-Duchateau
Brussels, Belgium

Alexis is a member of Arthur D. Little's Transformation practice, based in Brussels. With a focus on the Automotive, Rail, and Services industries, Alexis brings extensive experience in shaping and…

Amaury Terlinden
Brussels, Belgium

Amaury is a Principal based in the Brussels office and is a member of the AMG (Automotive & Manufactured Goods) Practice as well as the Performance Practice. Amaury mainly advises clients around…

Jerome Carlier
Brussels, Belgium

Jerome is a Principal based in the Brussels office and a member of the Travel & Transportation (T&T) Practice. Jerome serves major clients, covering large and complex strategic projects and…

Joeri Samyn
Brussels, Belgium

Joeri is a Principal based in Brussels and a member of the Technology & Innovation Management (TIM) Practice. Through his expertise in digital transformation, operating models, and strategic IT,…

Koen Segers
Brussels, Belgium

Koen is a Principal based in our Brussels office and a member of the Healthcare & Life Sciences practice. Supported by a scientific background, Koen has built his expertise in the life sciences…

Sam Clauwaert
Brussels, Belgium

Sam is a Principal based in Brussels with nine years of experience in the utilities industry, advising clients in Europe and APAC around innovation, business/process transformation, and…

Vadim Panarin
Brussels, Belgium

Vadim is a Principal based in Arthur D. Little's Brussels office. He is a member of the Travel & Transportation and Strategy & Organization practices.  Vadim has over 10 years of extensive…